Practice logs

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9 balls flashing, 7 balls, 7prop mix, 251 minutes

• 25' ..--- [2r]3b2tc --- ix 5 g. the ring duplex often too far backwards.

• 102' --- 7b --- (34, 32), 36 ac, 36 t.
• 124' --- 9b --- ii 11, i 12, i 13 t ( all into 2-4 g only ). ( many 8 g )

Total practice time: 251 minutes

Location: drying room

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5 ball tricks, 7 balls, 7prop mix, 5 balls, 237 minutes

• 31' --- [2r]3b2tc --- again, looked like maybe not getting anything, then got iii 5 g(athers), even ii 6 g, and iii more 5 g.

• 53' --- 7b --- ( - ), flabby.

• ......--- 5b ...
, , , 25' --- s-pen --- 6, 4 rt ac;
, , , 30' --- s-bx --- (≤2\run);
{./.25' break}
, , , 71' --- rev --- 121, (108) t;
, , , 27' --- fast(est) --- made it to very low pattern. But overall no long runs.

Total practice time: 237 minutes

Location: drying room

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9 balls flashing, 7 balls, 5 ball tricks, 145 minutes

• 6' ....--- 5b all up 180° --- 6 rt ac.

• 16' ..--- 7b --- 56 t. briefly into ≥9h
• 123' --- 9b --- i 11 t. ( 8 g, a good number )

9 balls flashing, 12 minutes

• 12' --- 9b --- ( 8 g, a few )

Total practice time: 157 minutes

Locations: nearby parking, drying room

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7prop mix, 26 minutes

• 26' --- [2r]3b2tc --- v 5 g. ( 6 g in sight, a few )

7 balls, 9 balls flashing, 93 minutes

• 63' --- 7b [Bubble Balls] --- ( - , bouncy & rollin' away ). towards end managed to do only few and vertical drops.
• 30' --- 9b --- ( 8 g, some )

9 balls flashing, 13 minutes

• 13' --- 9b --- ( 8 g, a few )

Total practice time: 132 minutes

Locations: drying room, nearby parking

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9 balls flashing, 123 minutes

• --- 9b ...
, , , 16' ..--- w\ older nylons --- slipped at launch.
, , , 107' --- [beanbags again] --- ( 8 g, a number )

9 balls flashing, 7 balls, 45 minutes

• 40' --- 9b --- ii 11, i 12 t. ( 8 g, some )
• 5' ..--- 7b.

Total practice time: 168 minutes

Locations: nearby parking, drying room

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9 balls flashing, 7 balls, 5 ball tricks, 97 minutes

• 8' ..--- 5b all up 180° --- 4, 5 rt ac.

• 14' --- 7b.
• 68' --- 9b --- i 11 t. ( 8 g, a number )
• 7' ..--- 5 \ 3 thick sticks --- not like clubs, as I thought.

9 balls flashing, 7 balls, 33 minutes

• 24' --- 9b --- i 11, i 12 t. ( 8 g, a few )
• 9' ..--- 7b.

Total practice time: 130 minutes

Locations: nearby parking, drying room

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4 ball tricks, 3 ball tricks, #learningSiteswaps, 5 minutes

late night
• 5' , , , 3b-3441 - orienting on "34".
, , , 741 bad.

7prop mix, 36 minutes

• 36' --- [2r]3b1tc --- not 5 g, then iv 5 g, ii 6 g! (prEx, I think).
°°° each ring it's own finger to grip tighter, seems to give a bit of control over the duplex °°°

5 balls, 5 ball tricks, 19 minutes

from an instant to other thunderrain poured down jus' when i got there.
under the small roof there then
• 19' --- 5b casc --- 460 ac.
also a few s-bx to instant collect, single penguins are also coming. some rev.

9 balls flashing, 7 balls, 5 ball tricks, 132 minutes

wet now here, so sth undroppy to start with...
• 10' --- 5b ≤high.

• 34' --- 7b --- 48 t ( rest ≤32 ).
• 88' --- 9b --- iv 11 t. ( 8 g, a number )

9 balls flashing, 26 minutes

• 26' --- 9b --- ii 11 t. ( 8 g, sev' )

Total practice time: 218 minutes

Locations: nearby parking, drying room

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9 balls flashing, 7 balls, 5 ball tricks, 121 minutes

• 12' --- 5b all up 180° --- 6, 6 rt ac.

• 45' --- 7b --- only towards end, 44, 37, 40 t.
• 64' --- 9b --- ( 8 g, some )

9 balls flashing, 46 minutes

• 46' --- 9b --- i 11 t. ( 8 g, sev' )

Total practice time: 167 minutes

Locations: nearby parking, drying room

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9 balls flashing, 7 balls, 5 ball tricks, 78 minutes

[nearby parking]
• 5' ..--- 5b all up 180°.

• 9' ..--- 7b.
• 64' --- 9b --- i 11 t. ( 8 g, sev' )

9 balls flashing, 7 balls, 32 minutes

[drying room]
• 26' --- 9b --- i 11 t. ( 8 g, a few )
• 6' ..--- 7b.

Total practice time: 110 minutes

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7 balls, 9 balls flashing, 5 ball tricks, 158 minutes

• 24' --- 5b all up 180° --- ( near but no )

• 26' --- 7b --- 38, 35, ~48 t.
• 48' --- 9b --- ( 8 g, some )
• 60' --- 7b --- ( ~ ).

9 balls flashing, 34 minutes

• 34' --- 9b --- ii 11, i 13 t. ( 8 g, some )

4 ball tricks, 3 ball tricks, #learningSiteswaps, 16 minutes

late night, the last days
• 4 x ~4' --- 4b-741, 3b-4413 ( puzzling. not a good exercise for the previous ). 741701241 would be valid for 3b, but, why, hardly less challenging for the brain.

Total practice time: 208 minutes

Locations: nearby parking, drying room

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